Class IWMultiLanguageSupport

Use this class to load the language files for a component at runtime.

Author: JAN

Constructor Summary
IWMultiLanguageSupport(map, languagePack)
            The multi language support interface loads the requested language file at runtime.
Method Summary
 void addLabelFor(label)
           Adds a new label which will be updated after the new language pack has been loaded.
 void destroyMultiLanguageSupport()
           Destroys all registered listeners and DOM references. instance.
 IWLanguagePack getLanguagePack()
           Returns the language pack.
 void loadLanguagePack(language)
           Loads the corresponding language file for the specified ISO language code. loaded the onlanguagepackload event is triggered.
 String toString()
           Returns a string representation of the class.
Event Summary
 void triggerOnLanguagePackLoad(event)
           The onLanguagePackLoad event is fired after the requested language pack has been loaded.

Register an event listener with IWEventManager.addListener(yourMultiLanguageSupportObject, 'onlanguagepackload', yourHandlerMethod(event)); to receive the IWMultiLanguageSupportEvent.

Constructor Detail


IWMultiLanguageSupport(map, languagePack)

Method Detail


void addLabelFor(label)


void destroyMultiLanguageSupport()


IWLanguagePack getLanguagePack()


void loadLanguagePack(language)


String toString()

Event Detail


void triggerOnLanguagePackLoad(event)

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