Frequently Asked Questions


Getting started

What is the mapsuite Javascript API?
Why should I use the mapsuite Javascript API?
What browsers are supported by the API?
Does the API support mobile devices?
Does the API support HTTPS URLs?
Do I need server hardware to host a mapping application?
What is a VNR and a PNR, and how do I get them?
How can I get help to use the API on my site?
How do I report a bug?
How do I migrate an application from MapAPI 1.0 to 1.1?

Loading the API

How do I include the API in my application?
How do I load modules?
What modules are available?

Usage and Examples

How can I use a full-window map which resizes with the window?
How can I limit the minimum and maximum map zoom?
How can I use features from the Kartenverzeichnis-API in my existing MapAPI application?
I want to display multiple markers on the map. How can I choose the map view so that all markers are visible?
Can I change the rendering style of the route?
Which coordinate projection should be used?
I am using a different coordinate projection. Can I still use my data with the mapsuite API?

Map Types and Data

Which countries are covered by the API?
Which map types are supported by the mapsuite API?
Is it possible to configure the appearance of the roadmap?
How can I configure the categories and appearance of the POIs in the map?
What are dynamic POIs and what types are available?

Performance Optimization

How can I speed up tile loading?
How can I speed up map movement?
How can I optimize the discarding of the tiles?
Can I speed up the display of markers like search hits?

Object-oriented Programming in Javascript

Do I have to use an object-oriented design for my application?
How does OOP it work in Javascript?
How do I extend MapAPI classes?


Getting started

Loading the API

Use and Examples

Map Types and Data

Performance Optimization

Object-oriented Programming in Javascript