The MapAPI 1.0 is deprecated. Please use the new MapAPI 1.1.

Version, 2015-10-09

1 Release History

Release Revision Date Description
1.0 1.0.38 2014-11-20 Added support for Blom birds views and Here Maps tiles
1.0.37 2014-07-03 Documentation and FAQ
1.0.36 2014-03-24 Fixes security issues in IWXMLHttpRequest and getLanguagePack
1.0.35 2014-03-11 Fixes a map resize issue
1.0.34 2014-02-24 Fixed several security issues
1.0.33 2013-12-11 Compatibility layer to support Bing birds views in legacy applications
1.0.32 2013-11-20 Support for Bing birds views
1.0.31 2013-06-27 Internet Explorer 10 Filter Bugfix
1.0.30 2013-03-19 Removed IWShapeService; internal changes to birds view configuration
1.0.29 2012-12-07 Compatibility patch for Minimap
1.0.28 2012-11-12 Bugfix release
1.0.27 2012-07-02 Bugfix release
1.0.26 2012-06-28 Bugfix release
1.0.25 2012-05-25 Bugfix release
1.0.24 2012-03-22 Fixed backslash escaping in identify command
1.0.23 2012-03-21 Fixed IWMapRenderer to support WGS84 coordinates
1.0.22 2012-03-09 Fixed Bing imagery metadata requests, class IWSortableList
1.0.21 2012-03-05 Several improved classes and new methods (see details)
1.0.20 2012-02-08 Bugfix: Geocoding and input encoding
1.0.19 2012-01-20 Improved switching of bird's views
1.0.18 2012-01-10 International bird's view images
1.0.17 2011-12-22 Minor internal changes
1.0.16 2011-12-06 Support for new bird's view images
1.0.15 2011-11-30 Updated IWBounds and IWXMLHttpRequest, several minor changes
1.0.14 2011-11-18 Several minor changes and bug fixes
1.0.13 2011-11-07 Several minor changes and bug fixes
1.0.12 2011-10-19 Microsoft Bing Map Types now use Bing application keys instead of tokens
1.0.11 2011-08-31 Refactoring and Bugfixes
1.0.10 2011-08-11 Refactoring and Bugfixes
1.0.9 2011-07-17 Refactoring and Bugfixes
1.0.8 2011-05-12 Refactoring, Bugfixes and new features
1.0.7 2010-12-10 Refactoring and Bugfixes
1.0.6 2010-10-26 Refactoring and Bugfixes
1.0.5 2010-08-27 Refactoring (LCC Europe to Mercator). Fixed some bugs.
1.0.4 2010-07-07 CSS Styles
1.0.3 2010-04-26 Optimizing tutorial pages
1.0.2 2009-11-18 Optimizing controls
1.0.1 2009-06-16 Refactoring
0.77 0.77.1 2009-02-26 Refactoring
0.76 0.76.1 2009-01-21 Performance optimizing for mobile devices with a low bandwidth (experimental Version).
0.75 0.75.1 2009-01-15 Performance optimizing and bug fixing.
0.74 0.74.2 2008-12-26 Added multi language support.
0.74.1 2008-12-01 Changed map type projection definition to JSON
0.73 0.73.3 2008-11-11 Optimizing
0.73.2 2008-10-23 Changing routing and geocoding
0.73.1 2008-09-25 Changing routing and geocoding
0.72 0.72.3 2008-09-05 Fixed some bugs. Changing geocoding.
0.72.2 2008-09-05 Fixed some bugs.
0.72.1 2008-08-06 Changed the configuration of map types.
0.71 0.71.1 2008-06-24 Added bounds constraint.
0.70 0.70.9 2008-06-23 Stable release candidate.
0.70.8 2008-06-07 Fixed different bugs.
0.70.7 2008-05-20 Fixed different bugs.
0.70.6 2008-05-16 Fixed different bugs.
0.70.5 2008-04-28 Fixed memory leaks on IWInfoBalloon and IWTooltip.
0.70.4 2008-04-24 Added IWOverlaySelectionControl. Fixed memory leaks.
0.70.3 2008-04-21 Added WGS84 support to IWGeocoderClient.
0.70.2 2008-04-14 Used doctype definition. Added map.getZoomByMeter method.
0.70.1 2008-04-11 Added shapes and layers. Renamed events.
0.69 0.69.2 2008-03-27 Renamed events.
0.69.1 2008-03-20 Fixed the reverseGeocode method from the IWGeocoderClient.
0.68 0.68.3 2008-03-18 Added an universell lock mechanism and printed support for map elements.
0.68.2 2008-03-10 Refactored Security and Access Protection.
0.68.1 2008-02-27 Integration of a server-side caching mechanism.
0.67 0.67.2 2008-02-21 Added Security and Access Protection.
0.67.1 2008-02-19 Added projection support.
0.66 0.66.4 2008-02-13 A new overlay interface has been added to the API. Appending and removing of map overlays is now supported. The users can create their own map overlays by extending the IWOverlay interface. The API contains several example implementations of this interface. In addition to this interface, we have add a second interface which allows us to add window overlays in front of the map controls. Our IWTooltip and IWInfoBalloon class are based on the IWWindowOverlay interface.
0.65 0.65.1 2008-01-18 Refactored javascript documentation, API reference and tutorial.
0.64 0.64.1 2007-12-11 A new control interface has been added to our API. The interface enables the users to develop their own map controls. We have already integrated several map controls to give the users some example implementations of the new control interface.
0.63 0.63.1 2007-10-05 First Version. API contains basic functions for mapping, geocoding and routing.

2 Changes and Release Notes

Release 1.0

Revision Typ Changes
1.0.38 Added support for Blom oblique views
Added support for Here Maps tiles
1.0.37 Documentation and FAQ
1.0.36 Fixes security issues in the proxy used by IWXMLHttpRequest and the command getLanguagePack
1.0.35 Fixes a bug in IWMapOptions.setSize() which could prevent the resize of the map
1.0.34 Important security fixes for several server commands
1.0.33 Compatibility layer to map prepareTiles and getTile requests to Bing birds views. Please note that performance is much better for direct Bing birds view access
1.0.32 Birds view map type now supports loading tiles from Bing Maps (improved performance)
1.0.31 Internet Explorer 10 Bugfix for displaying markers
1.0.30 Removed class IWShapeService; improved KML support will be added in MapAPI 1.1
Internal changes to birds view configuration to improve performance and reliability
1.0.29 Compatibility patch to use both MapAPI and Minimap in the same document
1.0.28 Minor changes to resource loading, JSON support and logging
1.0.27 Updated connector for additional POI information (dynamic POIs like museums, pharmacies etc.)
Fixed inputs with Umlauts for IWGeocoderClient
1.0.26 Fixed resizing of the IWSlideInMenuControl
Fixed move events for panTo() and panBy().
Fixed configuration of copyright notes
Fixed printing of controls
Fixed IWMeasuringInfoWindowControl rendering issues.
1.0.25 Fixed several bugs related to map renderer, POI identify requests and routing
1.0.24 Fixed backslash escaping in identify command
1.0.23 Fixed IWMapRenderer to support WGS84 coordinates
1.0.22 Fixed Bing imagery metadata requests
New class IWSortableList
1.0.21 IWAddress uses now setCoordinate() and getCoordinate(), other coordinate related functions are deprecated
IWProjectionClient now supports all projections between WGS84, Mercator, LCC Europe and LCC Germany. Indirect projections (e.g. LCC Europe to WGS84 to Mercator) are needed no longer.
New functions IWCoordinate.toFormattedString(), IWAddress.toFormattedString(), and IWAddress.toFullFormattedString()
IWDraggable no longer depends on positioning by and supports drag modes DRAG_HORIZONTAL, DRAG_VERTICAL and DRAG_BOTH (default).
IWDOMHelper now has new methods cssValue() and isDOMElement().
1.0.20 Fixed geocoding for servers configured to use UTF-8 URI encoding.
1.0.19 No more reloads of the complete view without switching to another view.
1.0.18 Added bird's view images for cities in Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Switzerland.
1.0.17 Internal changes to identify requests and logging.
1.0.16 Supports more bird's view images now (more and newer images, other countries). Server backend only, no application updates needed.
1.0.15 IWBounds uses now min and max coordinates instead of northwest and southeast, the order does not matter when the object is initialized. getNorthWest() and getSouthEast() are deprecated now. A bounds object can be initialized with an array of coordinates now.
Fixed POST support in IWXMLHttpRequest for Webkit based browsers
Set a better default URL for IWSimpleGeocoder, usually you don't need setUrl() any more.
Removed some private properties from IWMapOptions
Minor changes in the tutorial
Improved bird's view images (backend only)
1.0.14 Added Host, port and version to the HTTP response header of mapping.js.
Bugfix: Scalar control had to be inserted after map center was set.
Bugfix: Overview map control had to be inserted after map center was set.
1.0.13 Bing Maps tile URLs are requested from the imagery metadata REST service now.
HTTP response for mapping.js now has a Content-Length.
Labels in POI selection control now are clickable.
1.0.12 All requests to Microsoft Bing services (tiles, geocoding, routing) now use Bing Maps keys instead of tokens.
Bugfix in VML support (Internet Explorer only).
1.0.11 Fixed geocoding compatibility between different API versions.
The map no longer cancels mouse wheel events.
1.0.10 Minor bugfixes.
1.0.9 Font size in copyright control depends on map size now.
IWSliderControl has a "compact" mode and supports custom images now.
1.0.8 Fixed remaining elements message on IW-AJAX POST requests.
Fixed tranparency png fix for IE8 and background images.
Added Bing routing and geocoding support.
The overview map draws the visible rectangle with SVG/VML.
IW.windowSize works now on all known browsers.
1.0.7 Minor bugfixes.
1.0.6 Minor bugfixes.
1.0.5 Minor bugfixes.
1.0.4 The styles properties for the IWScalarControl are configurable over the screen.css file. You can override the styles by using your own stylesheet. Use setBackgroundImage(), setSeparatorImage(), setDarkImage() and setBrightImage() to override the default images.
The styles properties for the IWSliderControl are configurable over the screen.css file. You can override the styles by using your own stylesheet. Use setSliderImage() and setSliderButtonImage() to override the default images.
The styles properties for the IWNavigationControl are configurable over the screen.css file. You can override the styles by using your own stylesheet. Use setNavigationImage() to override the default images.
The constructor of IWMouseWheelAdapter requires now a map instance and a container for catching onmousewheel and DOMMouseScroll events.
You can hide the default info window of the IWMeasuringControl by calling hideInfoWindow. This enables you to create your own implementation of the info window.
1.0.3 The examples in the tutorial pages are using now Mercator coordinates.
1.0.2 The IWGeocoderClient has been changed. The parameter projection has been removed from methods reverseGeocodeByHits and reverseGeocodeByRadius.
The IWAddressSearchControl has been changed. The event afteraddressfound has been renamed to onaddressfound and the trigger method has been renamed to triggerOnAddressFound.
1.0.1 The following classes have been renamed:
old Class new Class
IWCopyrightChangedEvent IWCopyrightChangeEvent
IWLanguageChangedEvent IWLanguageChangeEvent
IWMapInitializedEvent IWMapInitializeEvent
IWMapTypeAvailabilityChangedEvent IWMapTypeAvailabilityChangeEvent
IWMapTypeChangedEvent IWMapTypeChangeEvent
IWMapTypesChangedEvent IWMapTypesChangeEvent
IWMouseControlChangedEvent IWMouseControlChangeEvent

Release 0.77

Revision Typ Changes
0.77.1 IWToolboxEvent class has been removed (The event was never used).
IWTileLoadedEvent class has been removed (The event was never used).
The following classes have been renamed:
old Class new Class
IWMapCenteredEvent IWMapCenterEvent
IWMapInitializedEvent IWMapInitializeEvent
IWMapTypeAvailabilityChangedEvent IWMapTypeAvailabilityChangeEvent
IWMapTypeChangedEvent IWMapTypeChangeEvent
IWMapTypeChangedEvent IWMapTypeChangeEvent
IWMouseControlChangedEvent IWMouseControlChangeEvent
IWTreeNodeClickedEvent IWTreeNodeClickEvent
The following methods and events have been renamed:
Class old name new name
IWServerConfig setURL() setUrl()
getURL() getUrl()
IWIcon setURL() setUrl()
getURL() getUrl()
IWSimpleGeocoderClient setURL() setUrl()
getURL() getUrl()
IWMeasuringControl triggerAfterDistanceChanged() triggerOnDistanceChange()
afterdistancechanged ondistancechange
IWMeasuringInfoWindowControl triggerAfterButtonResetPressed() triggerOnReset()
afterbuttonresetpressed onreset
IWSlideInMenuControl triggerBeforeOpen() triggerOnOpenStart()
beforeopen onopenstart
triggerBeforeClose() triggerOnCloseStart()
beforeclose onclosestart
IWToolbarControl triggerOnMouseOverEvent() triggerOnMouseOver()
triggerOnMouseOutEvent() triggerOnMouseOut()
triggerOnClickEvent() triggerOnClick()
triggerBeforeAppended() triggerOnAppendStart()
beforeappended onappendstart
triggerAfterAppended() triggerOnAppendEnd()
afterappended onappendend
triggerAfterRemoved() triggerOnRemove()
afterremoved onremove
IWWindowControl triggerBeforeOpen() triggerOnOpenStart()
beforeopen onopenstart
triggerAfterOpen() triggerOnOpenEnd()
afteropen onopenend
triggerBeforeClose() triggerBeforeClose()
beforeclose onclosestart
triggerAfterClose() triggerOnCloseEnd()
afterclose oncloseend
IWDraggable triggerBeforeDragged() triggerOnDragStart()
beforedragged ondragstart
triggerDrag() triggerOnDrag()
triggerAfterDragged() triggerOnDragEnd()
afterdragged ondragend
IWDraggable triggerStateChangedEvent() triggerOnStateChange()
statechanged onstatechange
triggerViewChangedEvent() triggerOnViewChange()
viewchanged onviewchange
IWEventManager addDOMListener addDomListener()
IWGeocoderClient triggerAfterGeocoded() triggerOnGeocode()
aftergeocoded ongeocode
triggerAfterReverseGeocoded() triggerOnReverseGeocode()
afterreversegeocoded onreversegeocode
IWEventManager addDOMListener addDomListener()
IWGeocodingResult setHitprobability() setHitProbability()
getHitprobability() getHitProbability()
IWLabel getDOMElement() getDomElement()
getDOMAttribute() getDomAttribute()
IWMultiLanguageSupport triggerAfterLanguagePackLoaded() triggerOnLanguagePackLoad()
afterlanguagepackloaded onlanguagepackload
IWRoutingClient triggerAfterRouted triggerOnRoute()
afterouted onroute
IWMap triggerAfterProjectionInitialized() triggerOnProjectionInitialize()
afterprojectioninitialized onprojectioninitialize
triggerAfterInitialized() triggerOnInitialize
afterinitialized oninitalize
triggerAfterCentered() triggerOnCenter()
aftercentered oncenter
triggerBeforeMove() triggerOnMoveStart
beforemove onmovestart
triggerAfterMove() triggerOnMoveEnd()
aftermove onmoveend
triggerBeforeZoom triggerOnMoveStart
beforeZoom onzoomstart
triggerAfterZoom() triggerOnZoomStart
afterzoom onzoomend
triggerAfterMapTypeChanged() triggerOnMapTypeChange
aftermaptypechanged onmaptypechange
triggerBeforeMapTypeChanged() triggerOnMapTypeChangeStart
beforemaptypechanged onmaptypechangestart
triggerAfterMapTypesChanged() triggerOnMapTypesChange
aftermaptypeschanged onmaptypeschange
triggerAfterMapTypeAvailabilityChanged() triggerOnMapTypeAvailabilityChange
aftermaptypeavailabilitychanged onmaptypeavailabilitychange
triggerAfterResized() triggerOnResize
afterresized onResize
triggerAfterMouseControlChanged() triggerOnMouseControlChange
aftermousecontrolchanged onmousecontrolchange
triggerAfterLanguageChanged triggerOnLanguageChange
afterlanguagechanged onlanguagechange
triggerAfterCopyrightChanged() triggerOnCopyrightChange
aftercopyrightchanged oncopyrightchange
IWOverlay triggerAfterPositionUpdated() triggerOnPositionChange()
afterpositionupdated onpositionchange
triggerBeforeRedraw triggerOnRedrawStart()
beforeredraw onredrawstart
triggerAfterRedraw() triggerOnRedrawEnd()
afterredraw onredrawend
IWLayerInfoManager triggerDataReceived() triggerOnDataReceive()
datareceived ondatareceive
IWRequestLayer triggerDataReceived() triggerOnDataReceive()
datareceived ondatareceive
triggerOnRegisterEvent() triggerOnRegister
onregisterevent onregister
triggerOnUnRegisterEvent() triggerOnUnregister
onunregisterevent onunregister
IWShapeService createFromKML() createFromKml()
triggerOncreateFromKML triggerOnCreate()
oncreatefromkml oncreate
IWTreeView triggerAfterNodeClickedEvent() triggerOnNodeClick
afternodeclicked onnodeclick
triggerFormatNodeEvent() triggerOnFormatNode()
formatnode onformatnode
The reverseGeocode method from IWGeocodingClient has been replaced by reverseGeocoderByRadius and reverseGeocoderByHits. See tutorial example 2c and example 2d.
The methods fromPixelToCoordinate and coordinateToPixel have been removed from IWMap. You can use the IWProjection class from the IWMapType object to convert a pixel position into a meter coordinate and back, e.g. map.getCurrentMapType().getProjection().pixelToMeter(new IWPoint(100, 100));
The attributes IWMapTypeChangedEvent.newMapType and IWMapTypeChangedEvent.oldMapType contain now the name of the map types.
Important: The configuration file iwconfig.xml has been changed. The attribute default has been added to the maptypes tag. The attribute defines the default map type which should be used if no map type has been set.

Release 0.76

Revision Typ Changes
0.76.1 The number of border tiles, which are placed outside of the visible map area, can be specified by calling IWMapOptions.setBorderTiles. The default value is set to 1. Increase this value if you want to load more border tiles around the visible map area. If the value is set to zero, then the border tiles will not be loaded.
The raster map can be displayed by calling IWMapOptions.showRaster. By default, this option is disabled. If this option is enabled, then all images will be surrounded by a blue line.
Use the IWMapOptions.disableDragLoading and IWMapOptions.enableDragLoading method to specify the loading behavior for map tiles. The tiles can be loaded during map dragging or after.
The attributes IWMapTypeChangedEvent.newMapType and IWMapTypeChangedEvent.oldMapType contain now the name of the map types.
Important: The configuration file iwconfig.xml has been changed. The attribute default has been added to the maptypes tag. The attribute defines the default map type which should be used if no map type has been set.

Release 0.75

Revision Typ Changes
0.75.1 Added interface IWCloneable. This interface is e.g. implemented by IWCoordinate, IWPoint and IWSize. Call the clone method to get a new instance of a cloneable object. Furthermore, you can implement this interface by your own javascript classes.
Added method getOverlays() to class IWOverlayLayer. This method returns an array of overlays, which have been added to a single overlay layer before.
Added method getAllOverlays() to class IWOverlayManager. This method returns an array of overlays, which have been added to all overlay layers before.

Release 0.74

Revision Typ Changes
0.74.2 The removeOverlay Method has been fixed (Bug: 1507). The redraw function interrupts after the removeOverlay method has been called once.
Bug 1508 has been fixed. The address search control item has not been displayed in the toolbar control of the map simple demo application.
Multi-language support has been added. Read tutorial chapter 10 for further information.
Added callback methods beforeOpen and afterOpen to IWWindowControl. Overwrite the methods to add custom behaviors.
Added trigger methods triggerAfterOpen and triggerAfterClose to IWWindowControl. Register afteropen and afterclose to receive the events.
0.74.1 The optical zoom effect has been fixed.
The size of a single map tile can be configure in the configuration file and override by the parameter tileSize.
Class IWBirdsEyeControl has been renamed to IWBirdsViewControl.
The methods setLanguage, getLanguage and triggerAfterLanguageChanged have been removed from class IWRouteOptions.

Release 0.73

Revision Typ Changes
0.73.3 The attribute hitprobability and its setter- and getter-method has been removed from class IWReverseGeocodingResult.
The attribute lcc and its setter- and getter-method has been removed from class IWReverseGeocodingResult. The lcc coordinate is now an attribute of the corresponding address object.
The attribute wgs84 and its setter- and getter-method has been removed from class IWReverseGeocodingResult. The wgs84 coordinate is now an attribute of the corresponding address object.
0.73.2 Added coordinates to the IWAddress class and removed them from the IWGeocodingResult class.
Changed parameter types of method IWRoutingClient.route(). The method requires now IWAddress objects instead of IWCoordinate objects.
Added method getStartAddress() to class IWRoute.
Added method getDestinationAddress() to class IWRoute.
Added method getInterstationAddresses() to class IWRoute.
Deleted class IWLCCEurope.
Deleted class IWWGS84.
Changed method signature of IWProjectionClient.project().
Added properties IWProjectionEvent.fromProjection and IWProjectionEvent.toProjection.
Changed method signature of IWOverlay.triggerAfterPositionUpdated().
Added class IWScaleDependentIcon.
Changed method signature of IWMarker.addScaleDependentIcon(icon::IWScaleDependentIcon).
Added method IWMarker.setScaleDependentIcons().
0.73.1 The IWRouterClient class has been renamed to IWRoutingClient.
Class IWRouteSegment has been deleted. IWRoutingClient uses the IWRouteEntry class.
Method setRoutingMode of class IWRouteOptions has been renamed to setType.
Method getRoutingMode of class IWRouteOptions has been renamed to getType.
Property FASTEST_ROUTE of class IWRouteOptions has been renamed to TYPE_SPEED.
Property SHORTEST_ROUTE of class IWRouteOptions has been renamed to TYPE_LENGTH.
Property MOST_ECONOMIC_ROUTE of class IWRouteOptions has been renamed to TYPE_ECONOMY.
Type of attribute IWRoutingEvent.route has been changed to IWRoute.
A optional parameter parameterObject has been added to following methods:
Class Method
IWGeocoderClient geocodeAddress()
For example: The parameter can be used to identify the geocoding results. Added attribute parameterObject to the IWGeocodingEvent.
Added methods setShapeName() and setRange() to class IWShape.
Type of attribute IWRoutingEvent.route has been changed to IWRoute.

Release 0.72

Revision Typ Changes
0.72.3 Changed address order of geocoding results. IWGeocoderClient returns the most relevant addresses at the top of the returned address list. Tutorial chapter 2 has been modified.
The IWSlideInMenuControl triggers now beforeopen and beforeclose events.
The IWWindowControl triggers now beforeopen and beforeclose events.
The attributes of the IWMouseControlChangedEvent have been renamed.
0.72.2 Changed constructor of class IWOverviewMapControl(IWMap:map, String:mapTypeName, [IWSize:size]). Constructor requires the map type as a parameter.
IWOverlaySelectionControl bug has been fixed for tutorial example 7c.
Added setX() and setY() method to IWCoordinate class.
Fixed "hit relevance" bug for IWGeocoderClient. Geocoder returns an ordered list of geocoded addresses. The addresses are sorted by their relevance.
0.72.1 Changed constructor of class IWOverviewMapControl(IWMap:map, String:mapTypeName, [IWSize:size]). Constructor requires the map type as a parameter.
Removed map type classes: IWMapTypeNormal, IWMapTypeAir, IWMapTypeHybird and IWMapTypeBirdsView.
Changed structure of configuration file iwconfig.xml.
Removed method getType() from class IWMapType. Use the getName() method to differ between different map types.
Removed class IWToolboxControl.
Added method getMapTypeByName() to class IWMapOptions.
Added method getLayers() to class IWLayoutManager.
Added method getZIndex() to class IWLayout.
Changed constructor of class IWControl(IWMap:map, String:name). Constructor requires a name for the control.
Added method getName() to class IWControl.
Added method setSize() and getSize() to class IWIcon. You have to specify the size of an image, if the "PNG Fix" should work correctly under the internet explorer.
The signature of method reverseGeocode(String:projection, Coordinate:inputCoordinate, int:searchMode, int:searchCriteria) has changed. Type of projection is now required. Possible values are LCC_EUROPE and WGS84.

Release 0.71

Revision Typ Changes
0.71.1 Use IWMap.setBoundsConstraint() to restrict the visible map area.
Created a new toolbar control. Use the IWToolbarControl and IWToolbarItem class. For more information visit the tutorial example 5a.
The IWToolboxControl has been removed. Use the IWToolbarControl and IWToolbarItem class instead of this.
0.71.2 Changed constructor of class IWOverviewMapControl(IWMap:map, String mapTypeName, [IWSize:size]). Constructor requires the map type as a parameter.
Added method getMapTypeByName() to class IWMapOptions.
Removed map type classes: IWMapTypeNormal, IWMapTypeAir, IWMapTypeHybird and IWMapTypeBirdsView.
Changed structure of configuration file iwconfig.xml.
Removed method getType() from class IWMapType. Use the getName() method to differ between different map types.

Release 0.70

Revision Typ Changes
0.70.9 Fixed IWOverviewMapControl.
Changed IWTreeView class. Call the init() method to create the tree. The TreeView object fires now formatnode events to allow user formatting.
Fixed IWLayerInfoManager. In some cases the manager has fired datareceived events for empty datasets.
Added IWFormatNodeEvent class. This event is fired by IWTreeView class.
0.70.8 Fixed zoom dependent overlays (different behavoir on zooming by mouse and slider).
Added tooltips to IWInfoBalloon in different languages.
Fixed browser compatibility for Opera and Safari (Win).
Special characters set to unicode (UTF-8).
Added country name to IWAddress and ajusted IWGeocoderClient.
Set tutorial up-to-date.
0.70.7 The IWPOISelectionControl class has removed. Use the IWOverlaySelectionControl instead.
The IWCountryCodes class has removed. The list of available country codes is defined in the configuration file of the geocoder server.
Attribute country has been added to IWAddress class. The attribute contains the full name of the country, e.g. 'Deutschland'.
Cleanup tutorial and mapsuite API reference.
0.70.6 Adding a simple manager class for window overlays to handle and display IWInfoBalloon`s and IWTooltip`s in an easier way.
Refactoring the map simple demo application.
The following tables contains the list of renamed events. Please rename the events in your application if it is necessary!
Class old event new event
IWRouterClient onroute afterrouted
0.70.5 Released memory by calling the destroy() method on IWInfoBalloon and IWTooltip.
Changed constructor for class IWCentralProjection. Constructor now requires a map as a parameter.
Changed constructor for class IWParallelProjection. Constructor now requires a map as a parameter.
Changed constructor for class IWMapTypeNormal. Constructor now requires a map as a parameter.
Changed constructor for class IWMapTypeAir. Constructor now requires a map as a parameter.
Changed constructor for class IWMapTypeHybrid. Constructor now requires a map as a parameter.
Changed constructor for class IWMapTypeBirdsView. Constructor now requires a map as a parameter.
0.70.4 Added IWOverlaySelectionControl. See tutorial example 7c.
Fixed memory leaks on zooming and overlays.
0.70.3 Added WGS84 support to IWGeocoderClient.
Class method comment
IWGeocodingResult getCoordinate()
Use lcc.toCoordinate() instead of getCoordinate().
The LCC Europecoordinate on which the address is located.
The WGS84 coordinate on which the address is located.
IWReverseGeocodingResult getCoordinate()
Use lcc.toCoordinate() instead of getCoordinate().
The LCC Europe coordinate on which the address is located.
The WGS84 coordinate on which the address is located.
Changed constructor for class IWLayer. Constructor now requiresres now a map as parameter.
Renamed method removeLayer(string) of class IWMap to removeLayerByName. Added a new method removeLayer(IWLayer)
Added CONTENT TYPE to XMLHttpRequestProxy response.
Renamed attribute IWMapTypeChangedEvent.mapType into IWMapTypeChangedEvent.newMapType.
0.70.2 Set doctype definition in all examples to strict.
Added IWMap.getZoomByMeter(meter) to calculate the corresponding zoomlevel for meters.
0.70.1 Added IWLayerInfoManager and IWRequestLayer to request layer information.
Changed constructor for class IWOverlay. Constructor now requires now a map as parameter.
Changed constructor for class IWWindowOverlay. Constructor now requires now a map and a coordinate as parameters.
Changed constructor for class IWLayer. Constructor now requires now the layer title and the layer name as parameters. Shapes are now added by the addShape method.
Changed constructor for class IWOverlay. Constructor now requires now a map and a coordinate as parameters.
The IWOverlayLayer.setVisibilityRange() method needs now a IWRange object as a parameter instead of two Numbers.
Changed constructor for class IWMap. Removed IWMapOptions parameter from constructor.
Changed constructor for class IWMapOptions. Constructor now requires a map as a parameter.
Updated the "Routing" tutorial.
Renamed IWControlChangeEvent class into IWMouseControlChangedEvent.
Renamed IWTypeAvailabilityChangeEvent class into IWMapTypeAvailabilityChangedEvent.
Renamed IWMapTypesChangeEvent class into IWMapTypesChangedEvent.
Renamed IWMapTypeChangeEvent class into IWMapTypeChangedEvent.
Renamed IWLanguageChangeEvent class into IWLanguageChangedEvent.
Renamed IWCopyrightChangeEvent class into IWCopyrightChangedEvent.
The following table contains a list of the renamed events. Please rename the events in your application if necessary!
Class old event new event
IWMapOptions oncontrolchange is now thrown by IWMap.
onlanguagechange is now thrown by IWMap.
oncopyrightchange is now thrown by IWMap.
onmaptypeschange is now thrown by IWMap.
onresized is now thrown by IWMap.
IWMap oninitialize afterinitialized
onmovestart beforemove
onmoveend aftermove
onzoomstart beforezoom
onzoomend afterzoom
onmaptypechange aftermaptypechanged
onmaptypeschange aftermaptypeschanged
ontypeavailabilitychange aftermaptypeavailabilitychanged
onresize afterresized
has been thrown by IWMapOptions aftermousecontrolchanged
has been thrown by IWMapOptions afterlanguagechanged
has been thrown by IWMapOptions aftercopyrightchanged
has been thrown by IWMapOptions aftermaptypeschanged
IWGeocoderClient aftergeocode aftergeocoded
afterreversegeocode afterreversegeocoded
IWDraggable beforedrag beforedragged
afterdrag afterdragged
IWOverlay afterpositionupdate afterpositionupdated

Release 0.69

Revision Typ Changes
0.69.2 The following table contains the list of the renamed events. Please rename the events in your application if necessary!
Class old event new event
IWGeocoderClient ongeocode aftergeocode
onreversegeocode afterreversegeocode
IWDraggable ondragstart beforedrag
ondragend afterdrag
IWOverlay afterdrag afterpositionupdate
0.69.1 Added javascript unit tests to the mapsuite javascript API.
Refactored the IWGeocoderClient class.
Replaced the getter- and setter- methods from the IWReverseGeocodingEvent class with public attributes.
Added the distance attribute with getter- and setter- method to the IWReverseGeocodingResult class.
Updated the "Geocoding and Reverse-Geocoding" tutorial.

Release 0.68

Revision Typ Changes
0.68.3 In some cases it is important to get a exclusive lock for an element. The IWLockManager is a singleton instance which contains three methods to realize a exclusive lock mechanism.
All map elements such as controls, overlays and window overlays can be configure as printable or not. Use the setPrintable() and isPrintable() method to set the printing behavior. Overlays, window overlays and the scalar- and copyright control are normally printed. All other controls are normally not printed.
0.68.2 Refactored Security and Access Protection.
0.68.1 To speed up the load time of map tiles we added a server side cache. You can enable and disable the cache over the iwconfig.xml file.

Release 0.67

Revision Typ Changes
0.67.2 Protect your services against unauthorized access! You can adjust the access authority in the mapsuite.accessfilter file by setting the REFERER/REMOTEHOST, CNR and PNR properties. The CNR and PNR are set in the IWAccessFilter class. You can learn more about the "security and access protection" in our tutorial.
0.67.1 The IWProjectionClient class currently supports the following two projections:
  • from LCC_EUROPE to WGS84
  • from WGS84 to LCC_EUROPE

Visit the tutorial to learn more aboute the IWProjection class.

Release 0.66

Revision Typ Changes
0.66.4 Renamed the IWInfoBallon class into IWInfoBalloon.
Changed the constructor of IWTooltip(coord::IWCoordinate, obj::Object) to IWTooltip(map::IWMap, coord::IWCoordinate, obj::Object).